David Clow

David Clow

Actor, Author, Playwright and Screenwriter

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
October 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About David

David Clow’s journalism has appeared in national, local, business and academic publications covering topics from news, features, and business issues to the obscure events behind America’s successful lunar exploration. David is the writer of the documentary film series Understanding Cities, showing the historical evolution of Rome, Paris, London, American cities and the city of the future. He is co-author of Six Lessons for Six Sons (Harmony, 2006, Three Rivers, 2007), which Ebony called “an awe-inspiring story of fatherly live and dedication”, and the author of A Few Words from the Chair: A Patient Speaks to Dentists. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he is a member of the Authors Guild and the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights. Three of his plays have won national awards.

Unique traits: Broadly experienced business writer/Journalist



  • The Commission (full-length) 2011 First Prize, Chameleon Theatre Circle 13th Annual New Plays Competition, Burnsville, MN 2013 Third Prize, Julie Harris Playwright Awards Competition, Los Angeles, CA Witness Seven (one act) 2013 First Prize

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