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By Bill Kandiliotis

GENRE: Action, Crime, Experimental, Independent, Thriller

The corporate world will never be the same again.


Alan McNabb starts his day at the office with typical fashion, berating a petty company executive whilst in the middle of an important hostile takeover engineered between himself and his broker. But things don’t go down as planned. Expecting most of the shareholders of pharmaceutical giant Aztechno to accept his offer, McNabb is disappointed when he isn’t able to grab enough stock to gain a seat on the board of directors. To rub salt onto his wounds Aztechno’s current board taunt him via live web cam.

His prospects do not improve when he steps outside for lunch. Standing on the city street curb McNabb is abruptly confronted by a stopping van. Hands reach out and drag him in. McNabb quickly realises this is a kidnapping.

Fearing this to be some kind of retribution from one of many enemies he’s accumulated over the years, he begins pleading for clemency. After beaten and informed that he’s has fallen victim to extortionists, McNabb, under pain of death, agrees to comply.

The extortionists plot to exploit McNabb, use him as a proxy to buy worthless shares in a company that’s partially controlled by a clandestine criminal syndicate. This tactic, reinforced with a spam campaign promoting the stock, prompts many investors looking for a quick profit to throw large amounts of money at it.

McNabb rapidly realises he will be financially ruined and begins beseeching his kidnappers to stop. To his surprise and relief they spare him, only because the scamsters have succeeded in sending the share price skyrocketing. They also point out to McNabb that he too has profited from this nightmare.

A deeper concern confronts McNabb, concluding that he will never live to tell this tale. He begs for his life until a rift occurs between his captors. The majority want him dead, as per plan, not wanting to leave a witness to their transgression. All but one makes a case against this, instinctively believing McNabb will not report them to the authorities, which would result in a stock freeze and police investigation.

Once again, to McNabb’s utter amazement, he is spared and let loose upon the unsuspecting world. Armed with a new mindset McNabb returns his attention to the job of conquering Aztechno. .


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