Skylar Silverlake's Reel

Commercial VO Demo

Produced by Susan Palyo, Voice Trax West.

Voice Clip: Luthe - Wanted In Hell (Radioplay)

Luthe is a scrappy peasant boy sold into slavery, made a palace servant by the graces of his kingdom's princess--who has (unfortunately for her) since been betrothed to the Prince of Hell. Over time, he develops feelings for her, but finds himself unable to escape the ensuing wrath of the royal family. This clip is from a scene in which he is in the process of being kidnapped, knowing that his captors intend to use him as a bargaining chip in the future.

Voice Clip: Isaac - The Fall of Odessa (Video Game)

A smart-alecky street kid from the capitol city, Isaac has a much more modern style of speaking than most of the game's characters. Enthusiastic and friendly, he is a bit cocky and something of a know-it-all, priding himself on his street smarts and serving as a valuable guide and ally to the hero early on in his adventure--with more than a little bit of teenage attitude thrown in for good measure.

Voice Clip: Gale - Divided Infinity (Video Game)

A young and valiant soldier with mastery over the element of wind, Gale is initially a highly reluctant leader, inwardly doubting his ability to shoulder the weight of the burden placed upon him--but he more than rises to the occasion, surprising even himself. This clip is an excerpt from his battle dialogue when the player executes his ultimate move, Lightspeed Sanctum.

Voice Clip: Maxwell - Tales of Oderrha (Video Game)

A magical spirit who exists in the form of a wizened (if rather eccentric) old man, Maxwell has lived in solitude for centuries, inwardly hoping for the day he might at last find someone strong enough in body and mind to inherit the vast power that he wields. Here, he is both amused and admittedly unable to contain his joy upon finally encountering a worthy challenger.

Voice Clip: Iarudam - Divided Infinity (Video Game)

An ancient demonic entity of godlike power, Iarudam manifests himself to human eyes as a deceptively innocent child, but exists on a plane beyond human understanding. This clip is from a scene in the game in which he is slowly corrupting the protagonist Sullan, breaking down his sanity while gradually convincing him of the dark truths of life.

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