I AM an artist...I always have been since I was born...I was once lost but now ive found my way back home..to passion, hopes & dream. I AM so happy & grateful to have the opportunties that I do. I AM and always have been truly truly blessed. I have a vision, also referred to as a "Divine Appointment" & I AM doing everything in my power, & everything I can to do the best with what God has given to me. I ALWAYS keep God first in my life, then put family & others second & myself.3rd. Everything that I do, that I AM building & have already built, is all for the highest good of everyone with no harm to none. I AM fulfilling my dream as a successful actor & director to create conent that is changing the world by making a positive impact on everyone. I started this process by first changing myself & letting go and putting my hands, life & will into the care of God as I understand him & putting my faith 110% into him. I AM now open to recieve the blessings that were my divine birthright given to me day one. I step out of the way & cast any worry, doubt, fear ,feelings of shame or guilt from the past & I give them to the Lord