Sam Dlugach

Sam Dlugach


Burbank, California

Member Since:
November 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sam

Sam Dlugach has been coloring moving images for over 25 years. He began his career in Nashville before moving to Los Angeles, where he’s worked as final colorist in every imaginable genre, including feature film, episodic television, commercials, and music videos. He counts every major Hollywood studio among his clients, and his work is seen by millions of viewers every day.

A member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the International Documentary Association, Sam is a past recipient of the Roy W. Dean Film Grant. In addition to domestic and international studio work, he enjoys working with independent filmmakers and has a particular passion for non-fiction projects that illuminate the human condition.

He spends his spare time organic gardening, beekeeping, building vacuum tube audio projects, and playing Depression-era music with his band, the Jug or Nots.


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