Nathan Pangrazio

Nathan Pangrazio

Pangrazio Music
Music Composer

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
February 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Nathan


Nathan Pangrazio is an Emmy nominated film composer, with an extensive background in classical training as a composer, a pianist, a choral conductor, and a singer. He is from a family rich in music and art, and his father is an internationally known art director for film.
He was recognized at an early age as a remarkable and prodigious composer, and at 15 he was commissioned to write his first piece that achieved widespread attention. His work, “Kyrie Eleison” was performed multiple times in both the United States and Europe, and was received enthusiastically by sold-out audiences.

Nathan’s achievements prior to age 20 include a commission to write music for the internationally respected Carmel Bach Festival, a gold medal award from the Monterey Bay Blues Festival for outstanding musicianship, and fourth place in California’s statewide piano competition.

He attended Indiana University School of Music on youth merit scholarship, and later for degrees in both composition and vocal performance. After moving to Los Angeles, he became the music director and choral master of a prominent Los Angeles cathedral, and the founder of a music conservatory, “Pangrazio Music,” which employs the industry’s leading instructors and performers.

Working as a composer in the film industry Nathan produced numerous scores for feature films, short films, and commercial projects that included work for both NBC and Purina/Nestle. In addition, he has scored 12 films, as well as a major educational feature documentary, “Indiana State Parks,” that aired on PBS. He was awarded an Emmy nomination in the category of best documentary score for this project.



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