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By Marc Anthony Greenland

GENRE: War, Film-noir

At the close of a Rhodesian war a colonel must come to terms with defeat and possible death.

Gustavo Freitas

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Gustavo Freitas

It is intriguing, although conflict isn't clear. Your story is about the protagonist accepting he'll lose a battle and die in it? He has no interesting goals to be achieved before his gloomy fate?

James Drago

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James Drago

I agree with Gustavo Freitas, why is he facing defeat and death? What is the conflict?

Marc Anthony Greenland

First of all, thanks everyone for all the comments. Wow, I feel honored ! Where we find conflict in this story is him coming to terms with defeat and death. How he deals with it will bring conflict, an internal conflict. Does he stand down and surrender, or does he hang himself to avoid being captured, and lastly, does he come out with guns blazing etc? A man of his rank and stature is under much pressure he can do anything. We are actually reworking the story and will have a new Log line. In the mean time please have a look at the first three minutes we shot. The video is the last thing I uploaded in my video section. Please tell me what you think? Thank you again for your comments they are much appreciated.

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