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By Trisha Trisha

GENRE: Horror
LOGLINE: A scientist named Mathew Carter working with an interesting type of technology called Nanotechnology. Mathew Carter and his team of scientist working project called Superior Life Project. Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supra molecular scale. When they finally perfect the serum you think everything is good but unfortunate dark and twisted events came about.


The United States Military Doctor was looking for a way to get political enemy prisoners to talk. So doctor Morris came up with an experimental drug based stimulant. He carefully monitors their dose intake. The drug will not kill them it will just keep them awake. The Government believe the next attack will be Fort Bragg military base. This is the largest military base in the United States. The Fort Bragg houses over 52,000 active Duty Soldiers. Doctor Morris realizes his experimental drug failed. It damaged their liver, heart and lungs but not their brain. They will become smarter and stronger the longer they stay awake. The Doctor must find away to make them sleep. They still have their old mind that just want to kill Americans.We call they zombies terrorist.

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