Lily Gianna Woodmansee Cht

Lily Gianna Woodmansee Cht


Tempe, Arizona

Member Since:
September 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Lily

Lily is the executive editor for Cactus Moon Publications, LLC. She is a strong supporter of the arts and her love of the written word led to the creation of CMP which started out as Kal-Ba Publishing in 2012. In 2015 Kal-Ba Publishing expanded to include other imprints birthing Cactus Moon Publications. With her team of editors and designers, Lily is constantly looking for new trends in the publishing industry. Her goal is to jumpstart and foster the writing careers of new and seasoned authors.
Cactus Moon is leading the way for the small publishing houses to compete in the publishing industry. We are proud to offer our readers choices in various genres and the lowest prices on our own books through our bookshop.


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