Wally Shoemaker

Wally Shoemaker


New York City, New York

Member Since:
December 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Wally

The story of the sneaker game and it's highs and lows,told by those who helped create this one-time sub culture and turned it into a bustling mainstream global community. Take a trip with us into the lives of the sneaker resellers of New York to see what it takes to be successful and have longevity in a market that is changing rapidly. With corporate america watching the profits that these resellers are making, see how they manage to cope with higher retail prices cutting into their profit margins as well as the influx of speculators hopping on the reselling band wagon. We talk to some of New York City's most well known resellers along with other movers and shakers.They give us a history of how and when this phenomenon started and how it has changed over a 10 year period. We get the prospective of corporate America as well by talking to one of the sneaker industry's most well known analyst; giving us the boardroom's take on what happened in the market in the last 10 years and what will happen in the foreseeable future. This is only sneaker documentary worth your time if you are interested in knowing what the people in the streets have to say about the frenzy they helped create.




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