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By Miroslav Trcak

GENRE: Horror

When a group of Reality Contestants enters a new Supernatural Show, only the bravest survive at the hands of the Grim Reaper for the prize of Immortality.


At the very beginning, one dramatic moment reveals the main culprit for this sickness of the game. Full of anger, ETHAN HOPKINS creates a virtual game made of the “contestants ’illusions”. He chooses five of his high school friends on purpose; the ones who tortured him the most, and also the ones who are completely different and cannot stand each other. They are BEN, MEREDITH, JOSH, ALICE, AND STEPHEN.

Their journey unfolds on the night of their high school tenth anniversary as they get captured inside the city chapel, tied to a chair, with some computer equipment attached to their heads. At the next moment, they pass through an imaginary portal into their own subconscious.

The entrance level leads them into the void heavenly space; between the Heavens and Hell; The Evergreen Shore, where they meet Alice’s late mother Jaqueline. She gives them five crosses that will help them


After that they are transferred into The Mirror House; where they must face their inner selves and fight their own fears all the time avoiding killing one another.They successfully pass this exam and are transported to Transylvania (Moon 13) where they are tricked and captured by five vampire brides. They torture them by hanging them on the ceiling,

placing the spike bed under them, activating pendulum blade, cutting their bellies and drinking their blood. This level is full of blood, gore and suspense. BEN succumbs to injuries in this level.

The remaining four of them move to another level placed in England 1780 (Phantown) inside the house possessed by the seven demons. Their curiosity will cost them a lot. As they enter inside, searching for food and help, an enormous vortex appears in the middle of the room; the one that contains all swallowed and tortured souls; Meredith starts to read some exorcism lines when the vortex grabs Josh and swallows him inside. A moment of screaming and deadly anticipation follows. Josh’s head falls out of the vortex. Petrified to death, they run out but they are not in England anymore. They find themselves in the weird and sick forest; (The Dying Hour) where they are tortured by the cannibals; tied up to the trees; on the barbeque stick; scourged. One particular moment shows one of the monsters turning on the chainsaw and cutting through Meredith’s head. The blood rips all around and in a blink of an eye; everything disappears.

Stephen and Alice are now in the apocalyptic place in front of The Tower of Death. They are placed in front of the three deadly tasks. One of them is to confront a huge wolf spider, the second one to avoid Devil’s temptation showcased through reference on Adam and Eve (snake

and an apple).

Unfortunately Alice dies here and is burned to death. Stephen has the last task in front of him and that one is to confront the reaper himself. After the fight, Stephen manages to place his “magic cross” on the right place and the Reaper melts to the ground. The whole tower

starts breaking into pieces and that’s when Stephen gets transferred back to the reality.

Two days later, he attends the funerals of his friends. He stands a bit away from the crowd when he feels someone’s hand on his shoulder. He turns around and sees THE REAPER. The Reaper lifts his scythe and hides everything with his cloak. The Reaper’s words can be heard over the

black: ”I am not done with you yet!!!”

NOTE: They all die in reality in the same order as they die inside the game.

JJ Hillard

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