Camille Herren's Reel

The Legendary Posters: The one that went to the movies Iceland style

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The Legendary Posters: The one that conquered Kilimanjaro. Almost.

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The Legendary Posters: The one that wheelied on the ice of Lake…

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The Legendary Posters: The one that had its ass kicked by Airton…

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Amnesty International - Hooded

Amnesty International’s Security with Human Rights campaign, has just released a short film called ‘Hooded’. It is a powerful reminder that torture is barbaric and never justifiable. Just two minutes long, this film uses a unique approach by marrying abstract images with intense sound design to convey the auditory and visual experiences associated with torture. It's a disturbing but gripping film that demonstrates the shocking effects of torture techniques such as water boarding and "hooding".


We Walk in Time

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