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By Egi David Perdana II

GENRE: Mystery, Fantasy

Swedish reporters get murder cases with the same story but different victims from many people, all of them claiming a phobia against the police.


(Spoiler Alert)

I'm Just Paranoid

Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Thriller, Suspense

Colors: Colors

Country: United States

Alman Stewart, Sweden reporter, got a report about the murder case with the same story but in a different victim. From the victims and witnesses that were contacted him, Alman wondered why they did not report it to the police first. When he asked them, they answered for the same reasons; they had a fear or phobia with the police. Alman was suspicious that everyone who had called him was threatened and controlled by the killer who actually wants to kill and finish him.

Moreover, a week later, his wife disappeared without a trace when she would like to pick up their child. Instead, his child was taken home by Andrea, his neighbor. Andrea said that she saw Almia cried alone in front of the school, so he took her. However, Almonia, Alman’s cousin denied that story. She said that Alman’s wife, Alicia entrusted her daughter to Andrea then she left them.

While the letters of homicide reports kept coming to his house. The reports were not only in the different victims but with the same story . However, the people who had reported to him had the same acknowledgment: phobia to the police. Eventually, Andrea began to disappear without a trace. His neighbors said that Andrea was killed because of being robbed, but many witnesses said that she drowned after fishing in the lake. A few moments later, Almonia called Alman and reported that someone threatened her and then was found dead with a slashed vein, not far from there Alman’s wife was found dead in the same way. Many people agreed that it was a suicide, but other people said that it was a murder case.

Surprisingly, there was no stir in the police station and in the place of murder that was reported by the people. They even said that the home which was reported by people is fictitious and only empty land. Indeed, there was a house in the back of the land but it had been demolished a long time ago. However, many people said that the house is still standing and located 3 kilometers from the venue.

Why were Andrea, Alicia and Almonia killed? Which stories and motives about them are true? Why did people report the murder case to Alman? Why was the opinion of people different? Why did the people who reported the case to him have the same reason: phobia to the police? Why did people and police consider that it was fictitious were as many witnesses said that it was a murder? Find the answer later ;)

Nathaniel Baker

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