I am an adventurous child of nature, I have been since before my birth, I will continue to be long after my passing in this life. I am deeply in love with the earth, all life, all creatures. I was born and raised in the mountains and rivers and the water is my blood, the earth is my flesh, the life of both is my spirit. I am not sure why I created a profile here, I do not question what I feel led to do, I just do it. I am a career photographer, a writer of any and all forms and engage in theatrics of all sorts everyday of my life. Looking forward to what my presence here brings. No matter what, always make time to play. " Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play " Heraclitus
Unique traits: My hair is my most unique trait to me. long, silky, fine auburn hair, very straight. Eyes are chocolate brown, doe eyes, sharp features, strong but feminine, build is a tall x frame but voluptuous. I am muscular at the same time, broad shoulders, strong arms and legs, evenly balanced torso. I have been called an Amazon, Xena and China one too many times.
Tri-County Technical College