John Crook

John Crook

John Crook Script Writer at John Crook Scripts
Photographer (Still), Playwright, Researcher and Screenwriter

Salmon Arm, Canada

Member Since:
October 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About John

John F. Crook

Phone: Cell: 819-598-4820
E-mail: crookjohnf51@
Address: 2750 30th Ave. N.E. Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
- Writing Experience:
o 2013 - present – feature film and short video scripts;
o 2009 - 2012 - Gatineau River Yacht Club (GRYC) Newsletter;
o 1983 - 2012 - Senior management briefings for Government of Canada;
- Treasury Board Guide: Real Property Management: Aboriginal Context;
- Q & As for Ministerial use;
o 1975 - 1980 - Policy research reports / land use plan writing (ON & SK);
o 1983 - Simon Fraser University masters-level research papers/thesis.

- Professional Skills:
o Produced Public/Indigenous Consultation Guidelines related natural resource and real property management;
o Script and report writing. (Final Draft);
o Video editing (Adobe Premier Pro,).
- Employment History:
o 2013 - 2019: Vintage Wings of Canada volunteer & BCATP video script.
o 2012:- Mountain Road Productions research placement (Ottawa);
o 1983 - 2012: Policy Advisor for Government of Canada (Ottawa);
o 1981:- Petro Canada – social impact community consultation (Calgary);
o 1976 - 1980: Qu’Appelle Valley, Sask. lake shore planning (Regina).
o Worked across Canada in Victoria, Vancouver (BC), Whitehorse (YT), Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River (NWT), Cambridge Bay, Ellesmere Island (NT), Regina (SK.), Sioux Lookout, Matatchewan, Downsview, Ottawa (ON), Calgary (AB.), Sydney (N.S.). Gatineau (QC.).

- Education:
o 2012 - 2013: Algonquin College, Script Writing Program;
o 1980 - 1983: Simon Fraser, Masters of Natural Resources Management;
o 1970 - 1974: Carleton, Hon. Geography;
o 1973 - 1974: Private Pilot Licence with night rating (Ottawa & Victoria).

- Professional Writing Accomplishments:
o Draft scripts for: TV broadcast; feature & short film/video;
o Interactive multi-media, stage;
o Filmed and produced bilingual training video for GRYC sailing club.

o Writing Samples: Available on request.

Unique traits: Fun sense of humour and sense of the r1diculous. Vintage aircraft enthusiast, interest in history, travel, outdoor sports (hiking, skiing, sailing), story/joke-telling. Singing in local choir. Fixing things up around the house. Busy busy busy.





  • The Dragon's Touch

    The Dragon's Touch Budget: $1M - $5M | Comedy Family Two indisputably independent women, three generations apart, try to team up for a quirky, fractious, yet touching, decades-old quest to find an unusual Dragon in its lair which has touched them both. 


  • Algonquin College, Script Writing 2013, Ottawa On

  • Simon Fraser University

  • Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, 1974 Honours Geography.

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