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By Nick Gordon

GENRE: Thriller, War

A disheartened British soldier must protect a vengeful American reporter, who’s discovered a union between the CIA and the Taliban, set to destroy Britain’s mission in Afghanistan.


Keen to prove his worth, US News Correspondent JONATHAN EDWARDS investigates what he believes is a rogue CIA team operating alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan. Fearing that his investigation has been discovered, he forwards all information of the case to his brother, MICHAEL EDWARDS. Later that day, during an attack by the Taliban, he is seemingly caught in the crossfire and killed!

In the US, Michael; also a Reporter but an active anti-war campaigner; receives an email, which outlines how DARUIS THORNE; head of the CIA’s ‘Special Activities Division’ in Afghanistan; has closed a deal to provide the Taliban with British army-issued rifles, to which they conduct the vicious murders of local Afghans, a means to lay blame on the British and destroy their mission strategy to win over the Afghan people.

Suspecting that his brother’s death was a deliberate act to protect the deal, Michael heads for Afghanistan to investigate Jonathan’s finding and bring his killers to trial.

Sergeant NICK JAMES is a British Soldier of extreme standard. Whilst leading a patrol in Rural Afghanistan, his team is ambushed by a team of heavily armed Taliban Fighters. Some of his team are killed, and the remainder injured.

Michael arrives in Afghanistan and immediately sets pace to continue his brother’s investigation, by making a request to the British to accompany a patrol to the Sangin Valley.

Meanwhile, Nick, close to being a broken man, grieves over the deaths of his friends. He is summoned to his Commanding Officer, who requests that he lead the patrol into the Sangin Valley, a Taliban-free zone, a Patrol to both orientate a team of newly arrived soldiers and honour an agreement with the media, a means to distract his current mind-set if anything.

The Patrol team, including Michael, deploy to the area of the Sangin Valley where they are to assist a logistical move back to Camp Bastion.

Using the Sangin Bridge as a bottle-neck, and assisted by Thorne’s former ‘Special Forces’ team, the Taliban attack, blowing the bridge and immediately separating Nick and his team from the remainder of the logistics convoy. A fierce gunfight ensues, preventing the patrol to reorganisation themselves. Nick, his team and Michael are now alone in the outback. As the Taliban give chase, Nick becomes suspicious of Michael, who, to the anger of everyone, reveals his investigation.

Thorne orders Khan to muster all the Taliban he can to hunt down Michael and the team of Brits and finish them off. He falsifies an intelligence report, stating that the Taliban has acquired Anti-Aircraft guns in the area of the Sangin Valley and that the British are to implement a ‘No Fly Zone’ in that area immediately, a devious measure to deny any form of air rescue for the team of missing Soldiers. With too much to

lose, Thorne heads out to the Sangin Valley with his team to join the hunt.

Nathaniel Baker

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