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By Jaye Lowe

GENRE: Action

A hardened combat veteran who wants to avenge the murder of his best friend uncovers a mayor’s plot to stage a crime wave to get himself re-elected and he must put vengeance aside to pursue justice at all costs.


Richmond Mayor Victor Randolph’s approval rating is in freefall. Even his plans for a new stadium can’t save him so, he calls in a favor. His childhood friend Bader is the leader of a ruthless organization with a simple business model: when he is hired by an elected official he brings in his highly trained syndicate to a city to ramp up crime and then at the right time with the right optics he makes it all disappear, leaving a hero that anyone would vote for. He’s made a successful career of it until one day he has the wrong cop killed.

Anthony Stone, long since retired from the marine corps, is riding with a notorious PMC when he gets a call that his best friend and former fireteam leader, Mitchell Evans, was killed in Richmond, Virginia. After his funeral, Kate, Mitch’s widow, reluctantly hands him the file that Mitch was working before he died. The file produces a name. The name belongs to a man who is a part of a newly discovered criminal element operating within the city. Stone follows the name to a restaurant crawling with armed combatants. After laying waste to the building he squeezes a name out of one of the men; a hitman known as Kinkade. Kate then introduces Stone to Mitch’s former partner, Chapman. They begin their search for Kinkade.

Bader orders his men to send a message to Stone, attacking Chapman on his way to work and Kate at her home. Stone saves Kate and her daughter, but Kate is enraged at Anthony for putting her family in danger. Stone’s allegiance to Mitch’s family trumps his desire for vengeance, so to keep them safe he leaves town. But soon he discovers that Bader has abducted Kate and he returns.

Across town, Chapman follows Bader’s people to the stadium, discovering barrels of sarin gas. Bader’s plan is to have Randolph stop this “terrorist attack”, cleaning up the city on the same day his stadium opens. The ribbon cutting ceremony is littered with public officials and media. As they watch the proud mayor give his speech no one sees Stone perched on high, sniper rifle trained on Bader who stands behind the mayor. And then Stone sees it: A dead man’s switch. He can’t kill Bader, or the gas will be released. He makes a last-minute decision to rescue the stadium attendees. He begins firing warning shots. The shots send people streaming toward the exits. Amidst the chaos Bader escapes.

Anthony pursues Bader to his castle of solitude in the woods where the two former Marines square off. Stone prevails. Looming over the larger man. With a chance to kill the man responsible for his best friend’s death he finds he wants justice more than revenge. He turns to leave when Bader pulls a hidden gun. Stone doesn’t see it, but Kate does. She fires the final shot, sending Bader into the afterlife. With Bader dead and the conspiracy exposed, Randolph is arrested. Stone, unfulfilled by vengeance and motivated by justice, lays his weapons on Mitch’s headstone and leaves his war behind.

Nathaniel Baker

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