Michelle Kaufer

Michelle Kaufer

An 11:11 Experience

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Michelle

Michelle Kaufer is an LA based producer and co-founder of the production company, An 11:11 Experience. She and her team are dedicated to the mission of producing media to create positive social change. Michelle’s most recent film credits include producing the award-winning feature documentary American Street Kid, the narrative features When Today Ends (streaming worldwide Feb 2021) and Famous which will be on the festival circuit in 2021. Michelle is also a co-founder of Spare Some Change, an on-going campaign and social movement to raise awareness for homeless youth. Most recent TV credits include producing Wrench Wars for MavTV, Turn and Burn for the Discovery Channel, Delta Divers and Virgin Galactic for National Geographic.


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