Jean Christen

Jean Christen

Producer at 8C Entertainment
Producer and Screenwriter

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
March 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jean

JEAN LIU CHRISTEN, founder of 8C Entertainment, is a L.A.-based writer-producer, trusted for championing artists and respected for keeping an eye on the bottom line. She is exclusively attached to valuable IPs by New York Times Bestselling authors and screenplays by Emmy winners and represents a diverse slate of positive and life affirming projects. Jean parlayed her 25 years in corporate key positions into film and television, honing her creative development chops with companies like Mandeville Films, The Gotham Group, and Entertainment Lab. Her commitment to collaboration and balancing the importance of the creative process with the practicality of commercial success, makes Jean a sought-after producer.

Prior to screenwriting and producing, Jean was a book publishing executive responsible for developing over 1,000 titles and selling over 5 Million copies through independent retailers and major ones like Walmart, Costco, Target, QVC, Barnes & Noble, Cracker Barrel, and Scholastic.

A passionate advocate for children, Jean serves on the executive boards of several youth-centered nonprofits where she leads award-winning DEI and Mental Health initiatives in her community.

Jean, her husband, and their six daughters live in a small coastal community in Southern California.


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