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By Edward R. O'Neill

GENRE: Comedy

JINX is a bittersweet gay comedy. With musical numbers.

(This script was runner-up in a national gay/lesbian screenplay contest. For more, read the synopsis.)


During the AIDS crisis in 1986 New York City, show-tune queen Arnie is an office drone, and Jack works as a singing waiter. Although they don't know each other, they have a lot in common. Both feel cursed. They need to get over their last boyfriends, but they can't. Arnie's method is to escape into fantasy, and Jack's method is anonymous sex. When they're set up on a blind date, nothing goes to plan: they stand each other up, meet by accident, give each other fake names, and spend the night evading bad dates, good friends, gay-bashers, and roving drag queens. It will take some serious Rumpelstiltskin energy and a few hard knocks of self-awareness to bring them together to get over their jinx and move forward.

Amazing Kacee

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