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By Mark McQuown

GENRE: Comedy

Kyle has a marijuana leaf growing in the palm of his hand and he must find a way to remove it before a Mexican Cartel, cuts off his head and serves it on a platter, wearing a sombrero. This is a comedy, a dramedy and a parody about pot, pot smokers and the new rage about weed in this country.


“Blue Dream”

By Mark Mc Quown


Kyle is an avid pot smoker and on one weekend, which turned into a week, he smoked so much “Blue Dream” hybrid weed from a local Dispensary, that he grew a marijuana leaf in the palm of his hand with five serrated leaves instead of seven.

His Gang of guys and girls that he hangs with, discover the leaf and take a picture for the Internet and the photo goes viral. He is dubbed, The Marijuana Man. Kyle becomes an instant

celebrity and his fame is spread even further after he starts to grow small buds in between his fingers. After visiting a Hospital to get aid from the Emergency Room, Kyle must escape because Hospital Doctors have turned him into the authorities who all think that he is infected with a plant virus and is therefore dangerous to the population.

Kyle is forced to move into the Gang’s hideout – an abandon house in the middle of an abandon neighborhood they call The Den. At the same time, his Gang forms a company to market The Marijuana Man products which go viral as soon as they hit the market. The Gang goes from poor to super-rich in a matter of months and at the same time, the National search for Kyle goes forward with every enforcement agency in the United States involved.

Kyle is eventually kidnapped by a Mexican Drug Cartel, operating locally, and is held prisoner until he is freed by a raid from local law enforcement. He ends up in the hands of a local pot grower who wishes to add Kyle and The Marijuana Man products to her own catalogue. He is rescued from the pot farm by his gang and returned to The Den for rest and recuperation.

He eventually goes back to the pot farm on his own, to be around the plants of his own kind but he gets caught up in a battle where all the enforcement agencies that seek him, end up in a shooting scene at the pot farm, right out of “Apocalypse Now”.

In the end, Kyle is saved by his own Gang, who celebrate back at The Den, by smoking a new, hybrid from a local Dispensary, called “Blue Dream”. Kyle, knowing what it really is, escapes from The Den with one of the female gang members, Chase, and they decide to run away and see the new Star Wars movie, as a beginning to their new lives, just as Pierce smokes the “Blue Dream” strain and starts to become the new, Marijuana Man and The Den forges forward into the new, billion-dollar pot market, now thriving in America.

“Blue Dream” is a comedy, a dramedy and sometimes an action/adventure, but a parody all the time, on pot, the pot market, pot smokers and especially those who know nothing about marijuana and its present market share. This is a story that is meant to be laughed at, laughed about and perhaps cried about in this new, brave world and its growing number of marijuana users.

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