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By Jason Stratton

GENRE: Action, Comedy

Four henchmen can’t stop a super spy from thwarting their evil boss's evil plans, and decide to flee rather than be killed for their failure. But when their new lives are interrupted by their old evil boss’s newest evil plan, they realize only the henchmen can save the world.



They’re only four of hundreds of security agents working for tech trillionaire DOCTOR WEISS.

Weiss’ company Visetech has a corporate campus at the foot of a Northern California mountain.

In a base hidden inside that mountain, Weiss works on a secret plan, assisted by his chief of

staff MISS SLAGER, and accompanied by his titanic bodyguard TRUNCHEON.

Weiss summons his entire security force. He is enraged that slick superspy FOX GLOVER has

infiltrated the base and made off with the operating system for Weiss’ secret machine.

He blames the unit leaders for four different security units. With the press of a button on his

desk, bursts of energy shoot up from the floor and kill three unit leaders. When the Epsilon unit

leader jumps out of the way of the energy, Miss Slager attacks, beating him to death.

The other security agents seem to take this in stride, but Tommy is appalled.

Weiss receives notice that Fox Glover is nearing the airport, and he sends his agents after him.

On the way to the airport, Tommy argues with Geri, Hector and Brandon about Weiss killing

their co-workers, but they are soon embroiled in a gunfight and brawl with Fox Glover.

Glover easily clobbers them all, leaving them laying as he escapes in a small plane.

When the Epsilons recover, they realize that Weiss is sure to kill them for not stopping Fox

Glover. They decide to just run for it and hope that Weiss will be too busy to notice.

Geri knows a military medic, who fixes them up and lets them take a van to flee the state.

They decide to split up and start new lives, but establish a central safehouse so they can meet

up regularly and stay alert for signs of Doctor Weiss.

Eight months later, their new lives are now in full effect, but Doctor Weiss has been busy as

well. He has avoided prosecution, and embarked on an even bigger version of his old plan. He

is building a machine that will focus the same murderous energy from his office floor through

every Visetech home technology device worldwide, killing millions and allowing Weiss and his

private army in his mountain base to become the only world power.

He has also captured Fox Glover as he attempted another infiltration. He tortures Glover, who

lies about being connected to the missing Epsilon unit agents.

One by one, Tommy, Hector, Geri and Brandon’s new lives are interrupted by teams of armed

Visetech agents. They fight back as best they can, but are soon captured.

Brandon frees them, but is shot dead for his efforts. Before he dies, he hands off a phone stolen

from an agent that details Weiss’ plans.

Tommy, Geri and Hector realize they are the only ones who know what Weiss is planning, and

decide to return to California to stop him.

In order to get past the patented Visetech fence surrounding Weiss’ base, they visit a secretive

arms dealer THE GUN SHOW, who gives them a device that will beat the fence.

With no time to waste, they use The Gun Show’s device to get past the fence, but the device

explodes and the base is put on alert.

Tommy, Geri and Hector sneak inside the base, battling security agents as they go. At a

computer hub, they activate the base’s automatic defenses.

Outside the base, automated machine gun turrets open fire on the assembled security agents.

Tommy and Hector split up to find Weiss and his machine, while Geri stays to keep the auto

defenses online, defending her position with her gun skills.

Weiss is in a panic, and wants to activate his machine. His techs say it will take fifteen minutes.

Tommy finds the machine room, but Weiss, Miss Slager and Truncheon disarm him.

Hector has found and freed the battered Fox Glover. They burst in on the machine room and a

furious fight is underway.

Meanwhile, Geri is under heavy attack, and can’t keep the auto-defenses up. She runs for it.

During the fight Truncheon is shot, and Miss Slager becomes accidentally entangled in the

machine, killing her, and sending the machine into a feedback overload. Weiss says it will

destroy the mountain. They grab Weiss and run for the helicopter base at the mountain’s peak.

They climb into an elevator full of bullet-ridden bodies, where Weiss makes a desperate grab for

a gun, but is shot. Geri is among the bodies, shot numerous times, but not yet dead.

They board a helicopter and escape just as the machine feeds back, and most of the mountain

is consumed in blue energy.

Geri dies as they land, but Hector and Tommy have no time to mourn as Fox Glover arrests

them to testify and explain the mess. They fight back, and Hector escapes with Geri’s body.

Months later, Tommy is about to go into witness protection, but Hector helps him escape, and

takes Tommy to a backwoods farm where Hector has been hiding out.

Hector reveals a statue of Geri he’s created, and they raise a drink to their fallen friends.

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