Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

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At least 14 Stage 32 members have attended Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts:
Yael Marga

Yael Marga

Actor from Los Angeles, California
Anna Z Papadimitriou

Anna Z Papadimitriou

Music Composer from New York City, New York
Marco Torriani

Marco Torriani

Actor, Director and Playwright from New York City, New York
Nora Kennedy

Nora Kennedy

Actor from Brooklyn, New York
Rachel Sari Karp

Rachel Sari Karp

Actor and Business Development/Sales from Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles County, California
Jillian Joseph

Jillian Joseph

Actor and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Jason T. Gaffney

Jason T. Gaffney

Actor, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Tristao Darius

Tristao Darius

Actor, Filmmaker and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Kristian Keene

Kristian Keene

Location Manager, Location Scout and Marketing/PR from Brooklyn, New York
Matthew Sucher

Matthew Sucher

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Natalie Shirley

Natalie Shirley

Student and Screenwriter from Olympia, Washington
Justin Allen

Justin Allen

Student from New Haven, Connecticut
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