Ball State University

Ball State University

Ball State University

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At least 77 Stage 32 members have attended Ball State University:
Zachary Ryan Allen

Zachary Ryan Allen

Actor, Costume Designer and Screenwriter from Muncie, Indiana
Debbie Stafford Harshbarger

Debbie Stafford Harshbarger

Actor from Savannah, Georgia
Ross Reagan

Ross Reagan

Actor from Indianapolis, Indiana
Sonny Burnette

Sonny Burnette

Actor, Music Composer and Musician from Georgetown, Kentucky
Kenton Owen III

Kenton Owen III

Actor from Indianapolis, Indiana
Natalie Buske Thomas

Natalie Buske Thomas

Author, Comedian and Singer from Saint Paul, Minnesota
Phillip Kent Helser

Phillip Kent Helser

Actor and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Adam Sherer

Adam Sherer

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Colorist from Los Angeles, California
Breianna Jones

Breianna Jones

Actor from Muncie, Indiana
Cynthia A Denny

Cynthia A Denny

Film/Theatre Journalist, Playwright and Researcher from Muncie, Indiana
Carla Raleigh

Carla Raleigh

Makeup Artist from Atlanta, Georgia
Katie Harbridge

Katie Harbridge

Actor, Host/Presenter and Marketing/PR from Indianapolis, Indiana
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