Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Iowa State University is a college located in Ames, Iowa.

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At least 32 Stage 32 members have attended Iowa State University:
Tom Norris

Tom Norris

Other from Baltimore, Maryland
Adam Tow

Adam Tow

Animator, Motion Graphic Design and Photographer (Still) from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Steven J. Donalsdon

Steven J. Donalsdon

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Wesley Kimenyi

Wesley Kimenyi

Actor from Austin, Texas
Karen Bovenmyer

Karen Bovenmyer

Screenwriter from Ames, Iowa
Scott Strosahl

Scott Strosahl

Director, Editor and Motion Graphic Design from Ames, Iowa
Cherry Davis

Cherry Davis

Comedian, Host/Presenter and Voice Artist from Los Angeles, California
Robert Smith

Robert Smith

Director, Editor and Screenwriter from Abingdon, Virginia
Dana Spence

Dana Spence

Makeup Artist, Special Effects Technician and Hair Stylist from Baltimore, Maryland
Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown

Actor, Director and Producer from West Des Moines, Iowa
Javier Frombold

Javier Frombold

Producer from Santa Monica, California
Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith

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