Thomas Edison State College

Thomas Edison State College

Thomas Edison State College

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At least 14 Stage 32 members have attended Thomas Edison State College:
Aakash Desai

Aakash Desai

Line Producer, Location Scout and Producer from Jersey City, New Jersey
David Vine

David Vine

Cinematographer, Film/Theatre Journalist and Host/Presenter from Aiken, South Carolina
Duane David Kinney

Duane David Kinney

Screenwriter from Allyn, Washington
Gregory G. Allen

Gregory G. Allen

Director, Screenwriter and Producer from Hawthorne, New Jersey
Charissa Gilmore Duff

Charissa Gilmore Duff

Actor from Honolulu, Hawaii
Jeff Cohen

Jeff Cohen

Screenwriter and Author from Highland Park, New Jersey
Stephen Hanson

Stephen Hanson

Location Scout, Photographer (Still) and Production Assistant from Charleston, West Virginia
John Ciccarelli

John Ciccarelli

Art Director, Cinematographer and Location Scout from Sandpoint, Idaho
Buck Kahler

Buck Kahler

Content Creator, Editor and Filmmaker from Knoxville, Tennessee
Micah Stinson

Micah Stinson

Actor, Director and Producer from New York City, New York
Damon Stout

Damon Stout

Director, Music Composer and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Chuck Cox

Chuck Cox

Screenwriter, Author and Musician from Durham, North Carolina
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