Truman State University

Truman State University

Truman State University

Truman State University is a college located in Kirksville, Missouri.

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At least 8 Stage 32 members have attended Truman State University:
Benjamin C. Sturdevant

Benjamin C. Sturdevant

Actor, Director and Music Composer from St. Louis, MO
Brian Lowry

Brian Lowry

Actor, Crew and Director from Nashville, TN
Hilary Kuntz

Hilary Kuntz

Author, Editor and Screenwriter from Sapporo-shi, Japan
William Lake

William Lake

Leadman and Set Builder from Adel, Iowa
Kevin Heiland

Kevin Heiland

Music Composer, Musician and Producer from Miami, Florida
Chelsey Cole

Chelsey Cole

Gretl Claggett

Gretl Claggett

From New York City, New York
Jeff Rohrick

Jeff Rohrick

Screenwriter and Playwright
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