Bellevue College

Bellevue College

Bellevue College

Bellevue College is a college located in Bellevue, Washington.

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At least 18 Stage 32 members have attended Bellevue College:
Elle Viane Sonnet

Elle Viane Sonnet

Actor, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Kirsten Smith

Kirsten Smith

Actor, Camera Operator and Cinematographer from Seattle, Washington
Evan Christopher

Evan Christopher

Actor, Comedian and Screenwriter from Bellingham, Washington
Alec Henry Frisch

Alec Henry Frisch

Director, Screenwriter and Voice Artist from Issaquah, Washington
Fortune Owens

Fortune Owens

Director, Editor and Motion Graphic Design from Seattle, Washington
Peter K Chen

Peter K Chen

Actor, Camera Operator and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Wynter Rhys

Wynter Rhys

Director and Editor from Seattle, Washington
Thomas Walsh

Thomas Walsh

Screenwriter from Seattle, Washington
Randy Quinn

Randy Quinn

Cinematographer, Director and Screenwriter from Portland, Oregon
Tess Stuart

Tess Stuart

Colorist and Editor from Atlanta, Georgia
Nelson Christian Amador

Nelson Christian Amador

Screenwriter, Author and Director from Houston, Texas
David Over

David Over

Director, Editor and Producer from Buckley, Washington
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