Acting : On Becoming An Authentic Actor by Tommy G. Kendrick

Tommy G. Kendrick

On Becoming An Authentic Actor

What are the differences between theater and film/tv acting? Is there a difference? How much of YOU do you bring to each role? I recently had the pleasure of reading THE AUTHENTIC ACTOR - The Art and Business of Being Yourself by Michael Laskin. It is an outstanding book for actors of all levels. Forget having to read pages and pages before you get to something useful. This book is written is a way that gets right to the point and the content is very rich. Check out my interview with actor, teacher and author Michael Laskin in the new episode of Actors Talk. All episodes of Actors Talk are always free.

Tommy G. Kendrick

thanks for the comment, Nicole. Hope you'll check out the interview.

Suzanne Bronson

Thanks for the tip! I am going to get that book.

Tommy G. Kendrick

Thanks, Suzanne. Hope you like the book as much as I did. Also hope you'll check out the podcast. All episodes are free. There are interviews with a number of great pros there. Appreciate your comment.

Douglas Eugene Mayfield

I don't remember the title(s) but Michael Caine has written several books, at least one of which addresses the issue of acting for film versus for the theater. I read the book some time ago and although I'm not an actor, I remember being impressed with the discussion.

Tommy G. Kendrick

Thanks for the comment, Douglas. Yes, the Michael Caine book and videos are excellent.

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