Anything Goes : Screen Writer by Donna Tiberio

Donna Tiberio

Screen Writer

have now 15 screen plays. getting tired of living on air.They say I need representation. Where do I begin?

Pat Alexander

Hey @Donna a great place to start is getting your work out there. Submit to contests and see how you place. Submit your scripts for coverage and get feedback as a sort of barometer for where you are. If you feel your scripts are reader to go and polished, submit to OWAs like they offer here at Stage 32 via the writer's room. The important part is putting yourself out there. Go to events (film screenings, local networking deals, etc.) and meet likeminded people. You've got the work ready, now it's time to show everyone what you've got!

Maurice Vaughan

Pat gave you great advice, Donna Tiberio. Here are blogs on networking ( The blogs also talk about what Pat mentioned. Building industry relationships/networking is one of the best ways to have success.

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