Anything Goes : Waking Up Eighty by MP Poole

MP Poole

Waking Up Eighty

I wanted to share the website for our film Waking Up Eighty:

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, MP. How are you? I enjoyed the trailer. It was funny. It looks like an entertaining, high-concept movie. I really like the company's intro logo.

Doug Nelson

The trailer is well produces and inviting - well done. Hopefully you can maintain that vibrancy over the course of the movie. Best wishes.

John Ellis

Great work!

Lynn H. Elliott

Welcome, MP. Fascinating subject and one that's entirely plausible. Stay with it!

MP Poole

Waking Up Eighty will be released on Amazon Prime Video on May 28 -- all proceeds go to producing the feature film. Hope you all watch it and share the news!

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