Success Stories: OCT'30 Student Academy Awards Update

Pranjal Joshi

Student Academy Awards Update

Finally the official graphics is here!

Although "Mela(Carnival)'s" journey ended in Semi Finals only, I am extremely elated and humbled to share that my short film "Mela (Carnival)" reached all the way to the 49th Student Academy Awards, i.e. Student Oscars. In the year in which Academy received a record number of entries, it was not just the only Indian film, but only film from the Asian continent to be selected into this year's event across all the categories! It made it's mark under the "International Narrative Category" of the Academy Awards.

I am also glad that this little film of mine got a prominent space in major press/media platforms while it was in its journey to Academy Awards. From State to National and Print to Electronic Media, It is both a subject of joy and a matter of fascination, that a film which we made in minimal resources and continuous struggles, doing almost everything by ourselves, reached such places!

Big thanks and Cheers to the entire team and support system behind Mela ✨

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations to you, the team, and the support system, Pranjal Joshi!

Shellie Schmals

Congratulations Pranjal!!

Pranjal Joshi

Thank you Maurice Vaughan

Pranjal Joshi
Ishmael Amman

Wow! Awesome news.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Pranjal Joshi.

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