Distribution : Blockchain for films! by Leanne Campbell

Leanne Campbell

Blockchain for films!

Hi film makers and distributors. I am still trying to find out if we can somehow use blockchain technology in the meta data of our films to make sure we know where our films are being screened and that we are getting paid for that screening. Anyone have any positive information about it?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Leanne Campbell This is a common and to my knowledge never-achieved concept in the industry since the creation of bitcoin. It has a lot of practical issues which are difficult to overcome, including the fact that an audience member would likely have to have a copy of the blockchain, and run it to view your film. So it may "work" but it still may not be practical for commecial purposes - its a serious barrier to ease of sales and ease of viewing. I understand that blockchain technology has been undergoing development to track IP and data rights in various other areas, going back for several years now. I have not heard of a successful one with actual broad application.

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