Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Houston by Sherilyn Matthews

Greetings from Houston

I'm excited to finally join Stage 32. My full-time job as an insurance adjuster keeps me pretty occupied. I've always wanted to be a writer. The last six months have put me on the path to calling myself a writer Fiction and non-fiction appeal to me equally. I'm working on a novel. One of my other novel ideas works better as a screenplay and that's what I'm committing myself to. My first screenplay will be finished in 30 days. I'm on day 2. I need communities like this one to keep me accountable to myself.

Insurance seems boring, but there's a lot of interesting stories that exist within this area. Insurance fraud has been around since the beginning of insurance. There have been many stories told over the years, but I haven't seen much recently. The last movie I saw that touched on this subject was I Love You Phillip Morris with Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor.

I'm looking forward to the journey and getting to know others on similar paths.

B A Mason

If Stephen Chbosky or Alex Garland can transition out of novelizations and into screenwriting, so can you! Novels are like epic poems where as screenplays are more like haikus - far-less wordage, far-less descriptive, and far-more concise to the point.

It is the end of July as of this posting - we'll be awaiting your declaration of completion come end of August! No pressure!

Sherilyn Matthews

Ah, trolls. Bless their hearts. On a different topic, I saw two fantastic movies over the weekend, Vengeance and Nope. I loved B.J. Novak in The Office and Vengeance is a solid directorial debut. I'm still unpacking Nope. Jordan Peele is so freaking talented!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Sherilyn Matthews. It's a pleasure to meet you. Here's the Authoring & Playwriting lounge ( and the Screenwriting lounge (

Gabrielle Nehring

Welcome! I use the writer's cafe through Stage 32 to stay on track. There are cafe's Tuesday thru Saturday. Don't know if they fit your work schedule, but I have found them instrumental in getting myself into a rhythm. You should check them out :)

Cara Rogers

I agree with Gabrielle. Funny thing, once I became accountable to write during the cafes, I do a lot better job of also spending hours writing outside the cafes.

Sherilyn Matthews

I will definitely have to look into the cafe.

Gabrielle Nehring

That's funny, Cara! So do I. I feel like I don't want to be in the same place I was the session before, so I keep at it :)

Cara Rogers

Sherilyn links are posted on the day of events in the Writers' Room lounge. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10am to noon PST; Wednesday starts at noon PST; Saturday at 11am PST. Hope you can join us.

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