Screenwriting : Scripts for Reading by Ruben Diaz

Ruben Diaz

Scripts for Reading

Today's webinar with RB talked some about writers reading scripts from known movies to better understand their own writing and what good screenwriting is all about. I found this page with links to where free scripts for reading are available for download. Thought I'd share with my creative peoples! :)

Erik Grossman

Careful with IMSDB... a lot of those are transcripts written by other people, often times done in WORD without proper formatting. Worse than useless, it's detrimental.

Matt Hurd

Agree with Erik - be sure that the scripts you're reading are not transcripts! Also, if you're looking for a specific script, sometimes the quickest way to find it is a quick google search of "Script Name screenplay PDF" or the like.

James Drago

I thought RB killed it yesterday on ON STAGE WITH RB. Zack Ward was funny, honest and true. A lifer who has been through the wars. Such great stories and insight. Jennifer Winberg also was highly intelligent and gave great advice. And RB is just hard-truth, no BS. Nice of you to share this off of his suggestions, Ruben. Very cool of you.

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