Success Stories: AUG'15 Script Summit Finalist!

Kevin J. Howard

Script Summit Finalist!

Sweet! "Box of Glass" has been upgraded to a Finalist in Script Summit! I will post the laurels soon!

Michael David

Congratulations on this accomplishment!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats, Kevin J. Howard! Next step, winner!

Gentian Gjikopulli

And again, and again, and... Congratulations Kevin!

Michael David

Kevin, what's your secret to bring able to write such high quality material so consistently and at such a fast pace?

Wendy Weising

Yay, Kevin! Congratulations!

Kevin J. Howard

Thank you so much Gentian Gjikopulli!

Kevin J. Howard

Thank you, Michael David! It's a hard question for me to answer, because I'm not sure how others do things. I literally get hit with it, like my screenplay "The Celestial Highway", just appeared as if I were watching a film inside my mind. The entire film, playing there in real time and I just had to write it out. This happens to me all the time and so far, the longest it's taken me to write one is just over two weeks. Same thing with my published works. The novel "faithful Shadow" was finished in just over twenty days. I bet most people probably have others read and edit, but no one beyond myself reads or edits my scripts before they go to festivals. The only writing training I've ever had is reading a book on screenplay format. In all honesty, since I'm the father of two autistic children that parallel my own behaviors as a child, it's probably a big part of this.

Kevin J. Howard

Thank you so much, Wendy Weising! :)

Michael David

So interesting Kevin J. Howard! You clearly have an intuitive style of absorbing and processing information... very unique!

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