OTT & Transmedia : Storycode- Enhancing our ability to collaborate and create. by James Hammer

James Hammer

Storycode- Enhancing our ability to collaborate and create.

As I’ve mentioned before, we often think of transmedia storytelling as a fairly new concept, but the reality is that we’ve been using a variety of available platforms for branding and story for a very long time… it’s the advent of social media and the proliferation of communicative avenues through which we can funnel story that has us thinking differently about it. Enter StoryCode to nurture the conversation… From their website: “At the core of the StoryCode movement is the willingness to make, experiement and participate in growing a broad and expansive discipline which will spawn new immersive experiences, stories, and technologies.” StoryCode supports the development of local chapters “designed to educate, inform, and connect creators of immersive and interactive stories.” You should check out if there’s a chapter near you… I know MY plan is to actually START a chapter here in Dallas/Fort Worth.

Richard "RB" Botto

Interesting concept. Definitely going to dig in more.

James Hammer

RB, there is an L.A. Chapter:

Richard "RB" Botto

Awesome, James. Thanks for the heads up!

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