Srfti.mp4 | Xahid Khan

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I was in Kolkata for International Short Film Festival- ISFF 2022 by Roddur Art on Request of Ankit Bagchi The Festival held in Satyajit Ray Auditorium, ICCR. It was great three days festival, enjoyed a lot and got introduced with many talented filmmakers came to the festival and exchanged lots of ideas. In short it was great learning process. Interestingly Maharshi Tuhin Kashyap from Assam and 15th Batch student of Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute who is well known now in Film Industry in Assam. He requested me to stay few days there in SRFTI and to enjoy there 15th Batch short film Screening (First Friday) . I took the opportunity because somewhere in my heart I wanted to study in SRFTI but could not happened because there was lots of things happened in my student life. So here I captured my short visit in my iphone as memory to remember. Thought to share.

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