Petula Miller's Photo #3099033350749300809

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Petula!

Petula Miller

Thanks so much, Maurice Vaughan !

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Petula. Are you working on a new project?

Petula Miller

Maurice Vaughan I am! I'm rewriting a grounded sci-fi feature. I'm still rewriting this grounded sci-fi pilot as well. Sure feels like writing is rewriting over here. :) What are you working on?...

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Maurice Vaughan

Grounded Sci-Fi is fun to write. Since they're grounded, they tend to be cheaper to make than other Sci-Fi scripts. Hope you have a great time writing them. I just finished a writing job this past weekend. I'm working on a pitch deck for someone and pitching projects.

Petula Miller

Maurice Vaughan Very cool! Pitch decks are fun to design. You're going to crush those pitches, Maurice! Enjoy.

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