Introduce Yourself : Are Your First Ten Pages Exciting? by Serita Stevens

Serita Stevens

Are Your First Ten Pages Exciting?

Happy Holidays everyone!! A long time member of Stage32, I find it very helpful for networking and I especially like the Happy Writer's Group -= Joey is amazing. For those who don't know me, I'm Serita Stevens and am an award winning writer of over 39 books, stories and scripts -- some produced, others optioned.l My goal is to help other writers achieve their goals and to that end, based on my teaching at USC, UCLA, etc, Motivational Press has published my 34th book -The Ultimate Writers Workbook For Books and Scripts. The book talks not only about story basics - characters, plot, etc, but genres, agents, publicity, nonfiction, as well as scripts, adaptations, and novelizations. It's available in paper and kindle and more about it can be seen on my site As a gift to my readers, I am critiquing the first ten pages - probably the most important - of your book or script. What can I do to help you?

Richard "RB" Botto

Always great to see you, Serita! Perpetual motion!

Amanda Toney

Hey Serita! :) Love how you ended this post on such a positive, giving note. You're such a great member of this community :)

Leah Waller

Thanks, Serita, for all your help on my last few scripts. They probably wouldn't be readable without your guidance!

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