Introduce Yourself : Electronic Musician/Composer In San Diego, CA by Michael Quiroz

Michael Quiroz

Electronic Musician/Composer In San Diego, CA

Hi! I've been writing and composing music for over a decade, I specialize in EDM (Electronic Dance Music) writing material for a number of artists and companies all over the world. I'm looking to get my foot in the door to start composing for TV/Movies/Commercials, etc. Located in San Diego, CA. I work from my home studio. I love what I do and want to expand my horizons in my career to make music for as many platforms as possible. I Look forward to meeting and connecting with other professionals in this industry!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Michael - glad you've joined the Stage 32 family! You're in the right place. I went to go check out your work and nothing is on your profile? I'd definitely suggest uploading your work so when you're networking people can click over to your profile and know what you do. Here's some tips to help you on that:

Richard "RB" Botto

I'll echo Julie's comments. Also, however, interested to learn about your home studio. How long did it take you to put that together? Any tips for someone considering doing the same?

Michael Quiroz

Is there a section to upload audio? I only see Video

Richard "RB" Botto

Right on the profile page, you'll see Video/Audio. Can upload right from there.

Michael Quiroz

Ah ok, I see it now, thanks! Will upload my work shortly =]

Michael Quiroz

Thanks! Most of my demos are uploaded now =]

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I've listened to 2 so far and you are AWESOME!!!! So talented!

Michael Quiroz

Awww Thanks!

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