Introduce Yourself : Author, Writer, Bully Advocate by Ruthe McDonald

Ruthe McDonald

Author, Writer, Bully Advocate

I am an author of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as a few short plays. I am currently working with a team that advocates against all forms of bullying. We produced a short movie that has won several festivals. Currently working on more projects together with my team; both in entertainment and education. One of my personal goals is having my upcoming series of fiction novels become movies. So I am studying and honing my skills on script writing.

Don Dobrez Jr

Welcome Ruthe... As someone who suffered through many years of bullying, I applaud the work you are doing!

Anton Church

Welcome Ruthe. I am an advocate for social issues and I applaud the work you are doing! Would love to see something once you have it done. Do you have a short one act?

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