Success Stories: JUN'13 Berlin Flash Film Festival Monthly Award Winners

John Michael German

Berlin Flash Film Festival Monthly Award Winners

Dear Stage 32 Success Stories:

Two scripts I submitted for April and May got monthly award winners and those scripts are: Loosen the Noose and Rainbow for the Super Short Script and Micro Short Script. - I would recommend that anyone with any short scripts or films to take a look at this festival. Everything about this festival has continued to improve and be as good as they were when they first started. Regardless of being awarded or not, I would say this due to their communication and how they want to help themselves and others like the people who partake in their festival.

Let all our accomplishments be an integral part to all the love we want to give out.

God Bless.


John German

Allen Lynch


Sy Shanti


Linda Hullinger

Congratulations, John!

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