On Writing : That movie deal waiting in the wings . . . by Tom J. Frye

Tom J. Frye

That movie deal waiting in the wings . . .

The Tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth . . .

My mom still regrets to this day that I once went to Show-and-Tell bringing along my front tooth that she had knocked out the night before when I told her to shut up! I was in fourth grade and when I re-told the story at school, three kids in my classroom started raising their hands to tell their own stories of their mom's hitting them!!

I then digressed and told the story of the night my dad came home late from playing cards with his friends. My mom broke a broom on his butt, and boy howdy, after that story, every kid in my class had their own stories to tell about violent encounters between their mom and dad!!

My teacher was mortified!!

I’ve been a storyteller ever since! I now have 15 books for at-risk kids to my credit and am constantly seeking a movie deal. Hint. Hint.

Debbie Croysdale

Both screenwriting festivals and some film festivals, have pitch sessions. You need to get your idea out there, and do homework on which producers/executives are looking for family drama or this type of content. These festivals usually have brochures, showing what each particular executive is looking for. Doing a screenplay from one or more of your books would give you more water to swim in, as there are more pitch fests for scripts than novels.

Elisabeth Meier

I have similar stories - but still untold so far. Thanks for sharing this, it encourages me to tell my stuff. To your question I think Debbie brought it to the point. There's a blogpost here for how to save money (or not get broke) by entering a couple of contests and festivals. The agents that Daisy mentioned will come to you as soon as you make your stories more public. Good luck and and all best!

Elisabeth Meier

Oh and... are you writing these books for children or are the adults your target group? Then, how did you start? With e-books via Kindle or did you find a publisher? I would like to know how to get this published in a serious way and in a way that it will really be read.

Debbie Croysdale

Have you researched agents/producers etc who have a strong social conscience for this particular subject? When I do pitches at screenwriters festivals, I always hit on the people who are swayed by the genre of the particular passion I'm pitching. People underestimate these festivals, book, film, and screenplay deals are done there. Your subject is in need of much more audience awareness. My mum was a teacher before a sculpture artist, some weeks spending her wages buying kids in her school winter coats, whose parents showed no empathy. This stuff goes on every day behind closed doors, and cuts across financial and social boundaries. The charities only touch the surface of the social scourge of battery and neglect. Hope you find a deal!

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