Introduce Yourself : Actor, Writer, Stage Director by Marina Reydler

Marina Reydler

Actor, Writer, Stage Director

I've written my first TV pilot, a comedy, currently in its writing editing stages and hope to produce and film it by 2020.

David Whelan

Best of luck Marina, I wish you the best.

Marina Reydler

Thank you so much, David!

Randy Daudlin

Best of luck. I just finished a supernatural dram pilot and am polishing my pitch package for a couples meeting at the end of the month. I know what you are going through.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Wow. Awesome Marina Reydler ! Wishing the best moving forward with your creative project. Hope you accomplish what you set out to achieve!

Marina Reydler

Thank you, guys, so much for the support.. it means the world! Best of luck and fun writing and working on your pieces!

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