Screenwriting : Genre Compatibility by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

Genre Compatibility

Personally, I'm more drawn to action, thriller, horror, but when I think of all the genre's available to create a script on, the one I shy away from most is comedy. I respect people who can write a good comedy. For me it's the most difficult or incompatible to me.

Not that I can't, but I think it's just, I don't want to put in all that effort to bring the funny back to back to back, I can see it draining my brain. When it comes to creating action scenes, or being original and creative with a plot, I love picking my brain and coming up with stories, but dang, I think of writing a comedy and my brain immediately presses the buzzer lol. So I think for now I'll just leave it to those with the urge and passion to make us laugh without compromising the quality of the story-line. Maybe one day I'll try my hand at it.

What genre are you most comfortable writing, and which is most daunting for you?

Eric Christopherson

"Dying is easy, comedy is hard."

Stephen Atkinson

They say comedy is the hardest in the industry ...nothing like going down like a lead balloon!

Stephen Floyd

I gravitate toward crime dramas. They’re simple. If the plot slows down, just kill somebody.

Doug Nelson

All true.

Stephen Atkinson


Rick Oldham

I just write. I never force a genre. What comes out comes out. I'm funny in life so it comes though. But I never really PLAN a genre

Imo Wimana Chadband

And I'm in total agreement with their opinion Stephen Atkinson You've got to give those who create good comedy credit.

Imo Wimana Chadband

hahaha Stephen Floyd I can see your characters quaking among themselves every time you sit to write

Imo Wimana Chadband

That's really good Rick Oldham I know many writers tend to have genres they're just more comfortable writing than others. It's a blessing if you can interchange between any effortlessly.

Louis Tété

It's more about writing the story you want to tell than thinking first about it genre. Write the story first in ways you want to tell it, then figure out in what genre it belongs.

James Hoey

Comedy is, I think, a very unique genre. My wife and I have written a family comedy feature, and we feel we did a good job. However, if we were offered to write for a tv sitcom we would be very hesitant to accept. Making a few scenes and lines that bring a laugh and a smile in a broad stroke is one thing, but to have to write constant laughs for 22 episodes a season..... We don't feel it. I think it takes someone with a comedic mindset, essentially a comedian, to be able to push those laughs out week after week, year after year. Just look at Big Bang Theory. Long run. Lots of laughs. Some duds, but not everything hits the mark. We tip our hats to the comedy writers because, well, you can do what we can't. And you do it well.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Louis Tété I get the perspective your're looking through, but, well at least for me, once I have the story in my mind, I already know what genre it falls into. I find it a bit hard to believe someone starting a story is unaware of what genre it falls into, because it may mean the story isn't cohesive or thought through you know.

Imo Wimana Chadband

James Hoey Oh I'm definitely on you with this! It takes a special skill to be able to keep the funny coming. All respect to the comedy writers. Without them, it would be up to the rest of us, and that may be the death of the genre lol Congrats to you and your wife on writing that family comedy feature, you're still better off than me. You can actually write a comedy. That deserves some recognition.

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