Introduce Yourself : First Time Filmmaker, Futurist, Family Office Advisor by Nick Ayton

Nick Ayton

First Time Filmmaker, Futurist, Family Office Advisor

I raised capital using cryptocurrencies to make a pilot episode for a TV Series about the existential risk of Artifical Intelligence. As a message to Gen XYZ to wake up! What is happening is hidden. We have passed Singularity.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Sounds very interesting, Nick!

Nick Ayton

Cool. Thx Evelyn. My first time making a film/tv series.

Mike Heff

That's what's up Nick! You don't think AI could be good for our evolution at all?

Nick Ayton

Mike thx for note. We have already passed Singularity, it is a matter of time it finds Quantum, the super intelligence is inevitable.

Justin Manntai

That is an interesting concept. Thanks for sharing your method...and yes, Skynet is around the corner

Nick Ayton

It wont manifest as Skynet...our society and infrastructure is very fragile. If I turned off the power in your town for 1 week what would happen?

Justin Manntai

Good point, my family and I would be fine, but, most people would not be able to function. I would love to see your project.

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