Screenwriting : Script Feedback question by Cannon Rosenau

Cannon Rosenau

Script Feedback question

I am not sure if we are allowed to ask for our peers to read the pages I have so far on my latest comedy feature script or do I have to pay for the Stage32 feedback?

Anyone know? My reader had to go the brick and mortar office to check the mail etc and check on his dad (my reader is my husband) and I don't want to wait for him to return before I continue on.

Anyone know the protocol on that? I don't want to break any S32 guidelines because I like it here.

If I'm allowed to ask you all to read if you want/can, who's interested? Don't all raise your hand at once now!

If I'm not allowed, then question for the S32 peeps - can I just pay for the first 10 page coverage even though the script is not yet complete?

Eoin O'Sullivan

Hi Cannon,

The site is about building and leveraging your network ;)

Kind Regards,


Anthony Moore

Ask and ye' shall receive. Unfortunately I'm a sci-fi guy, so I wouldn't be the best choice to review your work. But there are other writers on here that may be willing to read your pages and give you feedback.

Cannon Rosenau

Thanks, Anthony. As long as you don't ask me to read sci-fi, we're golden!

Paul A Rose Jr

No, you don't have to pay, and you are welcome to ask anytime... This is a social site - the paid coverage is to help offset the cost of providing this (mostly) free platform - but it's for you to use and take advantage of. You are definitely allowed to ask for people's feedback on your script.

Abiiba Howell

Hi Cannon, My recommendation, if you haven't already, is to FIRST, before you do anything else, register at the very least, the synopsis of your work online with The Writers Guild (about $20-$30) to protect your concept and storyline. Once completed, register the entire piece with the Writers Guild and Library of Congress - both online. You always want to do that before sharing any portion of your work, especially in an online environment. Best to you!

Dan MaxXx

Whats the rush for feedback- the full script is not even finished.

Make more sense to ask feedback of your outlines & synopsis.

Cannon Rosenau

Dan MaxXx Good question. It's how I work. I always have someone reading as I'm writing. I think I hate rewrites that much that I'd rather do it as I go along. Maybe it's a stroke to the ego to keep going or a kick in the booty to get in the right direction. That someone is usually a family member (my movie buff husband or my super mega talented 13 year old writer daughter), but I think I'd like to have strangers/peers read!

Y'all are giving good advice!

Cannon Rosenau

I just saw that I got some feedback already on the logline a few days ago. I swear, I'm 94 years old when it comes to social media.

Anyhow, learning how this site works! And enjoying the camaraderie. I think you guys have definitely given me the motivation to keep on truckin.

Doug Nelson

Cannon, I'd happy to read your opening few scenes & your logline. Just PM me and then you can send it to my email. If you'd like or not.

Cannon Rosenau

Thanks Doug Nelson I sent a network request, because it would only let me message my network. You can remove me after since you want to keep your network small/local. Also I sent my email with my request.

Also, thank you Julia Petrisor I sent a request to you as well. And Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services For sure. I think I'm over-excited about this one. My last two were MOW Hallmark style films which I LOVE, however, they can get a bit tedious to write!

Craig D Griffiths

The only thing I would discuss up front is the kind of feedback you want.

I tell people, “I want to know how you feel”, or “I am worried about pacing”, or “it’s not working and I don’t know why”.

If they think you want a page by page marking based in a Save The Cat beat sheet and you don’t, it is a waste of everyone’s time.

PS that sort of assessment would kill me.

Pierre Langenegger

Never waste your money paying for a first ten page coverage, anywhere. Put it on your logline page and, as you've just done, ask if anyone would like to read it.

WL Wright

I've seen scenes pasted and comments went wild on the response btw. :) Otherwise ??? idk

Anthony Moore

Abiiba Howell - You can't copyright an idea.

Cannon Rosenau

Anthony Moore Totally. Also, I'm one of those writers that's not super worried about someone stealing any ideas. While I copyright my completed work (mostly bwahaha), I have a billion other ideas floating around in this thick head of mine. It's not ideal if someone rips you off but I think most people aren't out to do that.

On another note, I don't like things to steal my peace so when I left my car unlocked and people rifled my change I figured eh, they needed it more. What goes around comes around. I live in a small town so change-riflin' is like a class A felony. I wonder why they didn't take my vintage CD collection?

Abiiba Howell

Correct, Anthony. However, anyone can REGISTER their story, treatment, script, draft, synopsis, etc. with the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) to establish the initial date of creation. Then, once completed, before production, we always recommend sending your screenplay, script ,stageplay, etc. to the Library of Congress Copyright Office to COPYRIGHT your completed work. There is a small fee at both resources, but they also send you a certificate acknowledging the registration or copyright, respectively. One thing to know, if you change your work substantially, it's a good idea to send the new work to the Library of Congress again and pay that fee... depending on how different the final work is from the previously submitted one.

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