Introduce Yourself : Author, Screenwriter, Indie Filmmaker by Christopher M. Rutledge

Christopher M. Rutledge

Author, Screenwriter, Indie Filmmaker


First, I hope everyone is sane, safe, and healthy. I've been a member of Stage 32 for a few years so I'm reintroducing myself.

I started screenwriting in 2009 after taking a screenwriting class at Emory University. I decided to "reverse engineer" one of my screenplays into a novel, which would eventually become my first published novel, "Murder at Venegoni's" while making my sophomoric authorial release in 2019 with "ASCLEPIUS." You can find both my novels on Amazon here

In 2018 after sending tons of query letters and submitting screenplays to countless contests I decided to just S.M.O.S.!! I assembled the Avengers and became Director and Producer of one of my own screenplays. The short film titled "Trombone Jones" was completed late 2018 and has gone on to become an Official Selection in two film fests. You can learn more and see the trailer here

In recent news, my latest novel is now available as an audiobook here

OK. I'm done. Nice to meet you :)

Gloria Tsai

Hey Chris! Hope you're well... was about to post myself. :D

Christopher M. Rutledge

Hey Gloria! All is well! Hope you're well also. :)

Dennis Schmidt

Hi Christopher, the Trailer looks great. Love the style and tone! All the best


Sílvia Menéndez-Cahué

Nice to meet you!

Nabil Shaban

Hello Christopher, I smiled at your interesting turn of phrase ""reverse engineer" one of my screenplays into a novel" because that is also something I did, turned to of my screenplays into novels. The first was "The Ripper Code" which lost its producer, so I thought I would immortalise the story as a book, now available on Amazon, and the other "The Saga of Ivarr the Boneless.", became too long as a single feature and was more appropriate as a mini-series drama, but because it is set in the Viking era, I realised with all the Viking movies and TV shows currently fashionable, again I decided to immortalise my saga as an epic novel..

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Christopher M. Rutledge Love the trailer, contact me please I want to know more!

Nabil Shaban

This is a promo for my novel "The Ripper Code", which I "reverse engineered", to use a term Christopher M. Rutledge, i.e. adapted my original screenplay and turned into a novel. "The Ripper Code" is a crime thriller set in the present day about a serial sex killer who commits copycat murders by Jack the Ripper.

Christopher M. Rutledge

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg thanks! I'll message you now

Christopher M. Rutledge

Hey Sílvia Menéndez-Cahué . Same to you :)

Christopher M. Rutledge

Good luck Nabil Shaban !

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