Screenwriting : Personal websites to share screenplays - go or no go? by Patrick Marcus

Personal websites to share screenplays - go or no go?

I just uploaded my first website that shares my screenplays:

I was hoping to get some feedback both in terms of the site's layout, whether there is need for such a site, and maybe even the content.

In return, I have some free time to look at your projects - just send me a link.

Many thanks.

Penny Ray

Hello, Patrick. I viewed your website. Nice work. A website portfolio can only help, not hurt. So, I definitely think you should have a web presence. With that said, I’m on the fence about whether it’s a good idea to post full scripts online. In film school they taught us not to do that, not even if the script has been registered with the WGA. I have posted scene work online before so people can get a gist of my writer’s voice. But I personally refrain from posting full scripts. But the choice is up to the individual, of course. I’d be interested to hear what others with industry experience have to say about the matter. Lastly, in my humble opinion, I think the color scheme of your site could be a bit more modern. But I don’t think that would turn anyone away from working with you. Keep writing!

Patrick Marcus

Those are excellent insights - I too would be interested to know if full scripts are a mistake. I'm continuing to tinker with the layout and color scheme. I'm just happy that it works at all :)

Phil Parker

I don't recommend uploading your entire script—just a sample (the first 5 to 10 pages). If you score representation or a producer one day, they will want to know who has seen your script. If they think the whole thing is floating out there, they won't be as interested.

Patrick Marcus

Hi Phil - thank you so much - i can totally see that perspective and I agree I should repost a few dozen pages at most.

Jeff Zampino

A few design ideas - I'm a graphic designer in my "paid" life :) - The Salmon-colored font is fine, but is too hard to read against the light blue background. Put it up in the dark blue header (I'd remove those other two pics), and use a thicker font. I attached a PNG which removes the white box from the fish photo background (if it didn't work, go to to do it yourself).

In your first sentence, I thought "Pop, English" was Popular English. Maybe use "father?" especially since you use pop in the next para.

Love the actual script area (you could probably drop the word LOGLINE - it is cleaner).

Jeff Zampino

Craig D Griffiths

I don’t mind sites that have the endless scroll rather than a email. It has become very popular.

I host on script revolution and send people there if they want my scripts. I also post context about screenwriting. Google loves regular content. Mine is I would also create a Google alert for your URL in case someone mentions it online.

The linkedin link is also a little small. I would also put it at the bottom. I would give people an exit until they had scrolled.

Patrick Marcus

I'm overwhelmed. You guys are amazing. I'm going to incorporate your suggestions ASAP.

Patrick Marcus

Hey Jeff: I was actually able to remove the background - it looks a million times better and was so easy with the tool you recommended. I shortened the screenplay files down to 20 pages or so and I got rid of the extraneous pictures on the header and I darkened the text a level above salmon - close to red without being radar red

Jeff Zampino

Looks great!

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